9 Ways To Make Banana-Free Smoothies

Nov 08, 2021by
9 Ways To Make Banana-Free Smoothies

Looking for an easy way to make your smoothie banana-free? We’ve got you! Here are 9 banana substitutes you can make in your smoothies.

Bananas and smoothies. Name a more iconic duo — we’ll wait.

It’s no secret: people go bananas for bananas, especially in smoothies!

Bananas are like blank canvases in smoothies: they pair well with pretty much everything. They also add natural sweetness as well as a creamy texture, even more so when you freeze them ahead of time.

While some people like bananas a whole bunch, it's likely that you've stumbled upon this page because you are allergic to bananas or simply don’t find them a-peeling.

Just because you can’t eat or don’t like bananas doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a delicious smoothie!

9 banana substitutes in smoothies

If you need to split up with bananas, here are nine banana substitutes to try in your smoothies.


Mango is one of the most common substitutes for bananas in smoothies. It has a pretty mild flavor. Because it’s not as juicy as most fruits, mango is great at creating a creamy texture. Use about 1 cup of frozen mango to replace 1 banana.


Pineapple is the best of both worlds: a natural smoothie thickener and a natural sweetener. Just make sure the pineapple in your smoothies is frozen — it’s the best way to guarantee a creamy pineapple dream!


Like bananas, avocados add a creamy or velvety texture to smoothies. They also have a mild taste that can easily be covered up. Avocados work best in smoothies with greens, like kale and spinach, berries and chocolate. Start by adding half an avocado to your smoothie — you can always add more to get the consistency you prefer. Unlike bananas, avocados aren’t sweet, so you may need to add dates or sweetener.

Super Tip: If you notice your avocado is getting too ripe, cut it up and freeze it. When you’re ready to make your smoothie, all you have to do is add it to your blender. (This also reduces food waste!)

Sweet Potato

Cooked sweet potatoes? In a smoothie!? Don’t knock it until you try it.

Not only will sweet potatoes add some rich and creaminess to your smoothies, they’ll also add a hint of sweetness. Sweet potatoes work really well with chocolate, berries, like blueberries and açai, as well as citrus fruits.

To use this sweet substitution, add ½ cup of cooked sweet potato. When it’s in season, you could also use canned pumpkin puree (not the canned pumpkin pie mix).

Soaked Cashews

If you’ve ever made cashew cream cheese, then you know how thick and creamy cashews can get when they’re blended. The same applies to adding cashews to your smoothies! For the best results, soak the cashews overnight. However, if you forget to do that, you can speed things up by soaking the cashews in hot water for 10 minutes. You can also throw them into your blender without soaking.

Super Tip: Adding nut butters to your smoothies will also work! (We love almond butter.)


Oats aren’t just for oatmeal! Adding ¼ cup of rolled oats to your smoothie will not only act as a thickener, it will also provide you with more dietary fiber.

Chia Seeds

When you add chia seeds to any liquid, they swell, which means they’re the perfect natural smoothie thickener. (If you’ve ever made Forever Beautiful detox water, you’ve probably noticed the chia seeds swell and create a gel-like texture.) Simply add 1-2 tbsp chia seeds to your blender when making your smoothie.

Super Tip: If you’re using chia seeds to thicken your smoothie, don’t let it sit too long. The chia seeds will turn your smoothie into a thick pudding and may require a spoon.

Coconut Cream

As the name suggests, coconut cream is another easy way to add creaminess to your smoothies. (We also love adding it to our Forever Beautiful açai bowls!) For a supreme cream, add 1-2 tbsp of coconut cream to your smoothies.


Yogurt is naturally creamy, so it should come as no surprise that it could be a good addition to your smoothies. Coconut yogurt is a great vegan alternative for those on a plant-based diet!